Helping Local Restaurants and Businesses
The past three months have been undeniably strange for all of us but I always try to find the silver linings in every dark cloud. We all know our local restaurants and retail businesses have been particularly hard hit by the Covid-19 health crisis. However, in a strange and unexpected way, it has allowed me the opportunity to engage with our business community on a much deeper level than I ever have before. It has allowed the Alliance to do meaningful and crucial work that I am incredibly proud of, whether it is handing out free "Curbside & Take Out" banners to our restaurants and "Open for Business" signs to our retailers, ensuring everyone in our community has the information they need on grants and emergency funds, or promoting social media boosts to drive more traffic to our amazing neighborhood. We have all seen our neighbors connect with each other in unexpected ways and we have seen so many efforts to help each other, during this trying time. I am proud to be a part of this community and our Board is 100% committed to continuing the efforts to support those in need.